4 Tips for Winter Roof Maintenance

Your may think that your shingles can wait until spring to be replaced, but harsh winter elements make roofs more vulnerable to leaks and extensive damage. Relentless winds, burdensome snow and slow melting ice can make its way right through an aged roof; water will find its way through flashings and shingle cracks, causing you unwanted problems. Every homeowner should take preventive measures to maintain their roofs and keep their homes safe this winter.
1. Roof Inspection
Have a professional roofer, like Abel and Son, do a roof inspection to make sure your roof is sound and in good condition for the winter. We will check the entire roof and definitely focus on the flashing areas, which are prone to leaking, to make sure you are not in for any unexpected problems this winter. If we find issues, we will gladly install a new roof for you, just give us a call. We install roofs year round!
2. Clearing Drains & Gutters
You will want to keep your gutters clear to maintain an effective drainage system for your home when the snow begins to melt. If there are any autumn leaves leftover in your gutters they can cause a clog and obstruct water to flow and drain off your roof and away from your house like it’s supposed to. Clearing drains and gutters will also help minimize ice damage.
3. Trimming Trees
It’s a good idea to trim any tree branches that may become heavy with snow and break off onto your roof, creating potential damage. Or, remove trees all together that are unstable and at risk of falling onto your roof. Trees touching your roof cause friction and can prematurely wear out shingles due to abrasion.
4. Snow Removal
If you get hit with a big snow storm or blizzard you should carefully remove some of the heavy snow off your roof to prevent any structural damage.
Don’t Wait, Act Now!
We are roofers in Elizabethtown PA that service most of Lancaster, Lebanon, and Harrisburg area. Call Abel & Son first!